Romans 12:9-12

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The babies are sleeping so I thought I would write... Well Its a beautiful day outside. Its crazy that just a week ago it was snowing like crazy and now its 60 and sunny- I love it! Gods beauty is revealed in creation and we have seen all sides of it the past two weeks. Its been a good day. Me and the babies got to go outside for about an hour (which keeps the babies very happy which in turn keeps me happy!). Earlier today, I was sitting on the floor with Katie (5months old) watching Graham (1year) chase his ball around. Katie begins laughing so hard- she thought it was so funny to watch Graham crawl to the ball, pick it up, throw it, and then chase after it again... She was laughing so hard, her face turned bright red. Well Katie's laugh is contagious because it got Graham going. He started laughing hysterically. Sitting watching these two precious babies laugh and smile, makes my heart melt. I couldn't help but join in the laughter and fun. Even though my job is exhausting and at times frustrating- the laughter and giggles is why I do it. Its the best thing in the world when I hear them laugh or when they give me kisses or when they rest their head on my shoulder- I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my job- Its growing me, teaching me, and giving me so much joy. Its almost been a year since I graduated college and I would have never thought this is where I would be- living in Arlington and working as a nanny BUT Gods plan is always better than mine and I am so thankful that He has placed me here. Life is good. God is GREAT!!!

PS....The cowtown half marathon is in 8 days and the countdown begins- where did the time go?? I am starting to get really nervous/excited. I am anxious to see how well I run and how I will feel when I am running- we will just have to see! I did register today so there is no going back :)

Enjoy this beautiful day that the Lord has given us!!!

"He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He." Deuteronomy . 32:4