Romans 12:9-12

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


"There's a spirit that can ne'er be told..."
Ten years ago a tragedy struck in Aggieland. Twelve Aggies died while putting together the bonfire. We will always remember those who died and will continue to pray for the families and friends of those who lost a loved one. Its definitely times like these that I am proud to be an Aggie. I miss being in College Station and being around so many Aggies. I am very thankful for attending a school like A&M and it will always be close to my heart!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Just got home from a weekend with the girls in Branson, MO. It was a great time of fellowship and fun! I went with my mother-in-law, her sisters, grandmother-in-law, and Jonnys cousins! We left Friday afternoon and stayed till Sunday night. It was soo much fun spending time with his family- I adore them! They are precious! We pretty much ate and shopped the whole time :) I probably gained like 10 pounds lol! I was soo proud of myself- I only bought 2 things :) I didn't get any of my Christmas shopping done but I did get some good ideas! We did see a musical Saturday about Christ's birth and it was pretty good. My first musical! I am extremely exhausted from the weekend but it was worth it! Jonny spent the weekend hunting with his dad and brother. Jonny killed a buck and now we have meat! We both had great weekends but definitely are glad to be home again!

I only have to work this week and then I get a week off of work! I am soo excited! Hopefully I will get most of my Christmas shopping done. Saturday, we are having a house warming party @ 12:30 and everyone is invited! We will have tons of food and snacks! We will also be playing any football games on the TV!! Come and go type thing! So you should come :) Thats all for now... Good night!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Its finally starting to feel like fall!! Its been beautiful- I love it!! We have completely finished our house- WHOOP! And once we get our Obama money then we can start working on remodeling our kitchen! It is soo nice to just come home and relax and not have a million things to do. Well.. This past weekend was Halloween and for me it was not so exciting. I had to work! Jonny spent the weekend in Louisiana visiting his brother and sister... he went to their costume party (see below). He had fun but I am glad to have him back! So... my weekend was pretty boring and lame- work and no husband! Sunday night was great fun though. Me and JV went to dinner and a movie. We ate some yummy fish at Rockfish and then went and saw Where the Wild Things Are- I LOVED it! Jonny thought it was weird but he had never heard of the book before so I can see where he comes from! It was good spending the night having fun and just being with each other- we don't do it often. Well thats about all for now... Have a great week! God bless!
Verse of the week: "But in all things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loves us."